Hey Storytellers! Thank you guys so much for being a part of our storyteller community and listening in. This episode is really special to me. As you’ll notice, it’s the first episode of this show where I experimented with my own kind of storytelling, similar to that of an NPR episode. I’ve been so inspired by all the interviews with guests on 88 CUPS OF TEA and have been itching to share a story through this kind of medium. Thanks for allowing me to share that with you.
I would really love to hear your thoughts about this episode, so come on over and find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
I’ve been posting pictures and videos of the tea intensive and my trip around Asia on those same social media accounts so check out #88CupsOfAsia if you’d like to join me on my adventures! Here are a few highlights from my trip below:
“Qing Jing Yi Zhen”: Clarity, Humility, Peace, Truth
Studying Leaves at the Tea Nursery
Cuppings of Tea throughout the Tea Intensive
Organic Tea Garden
Withering Process of Camellia Sinesis leaves and buds
Podcasting Behind the Scenes in Taiwan

Music credit to Odesza– check out their music, it’s amazing!